

After dinner she left the house through the back door and walked to the alley and past the old apple trees and surveyed the pasture before her and found the old path.  There was only a whisper of the hard-packed dirt left there in the grass. Was she only imagining that she had found it?  No.  As she walked the way before her seemed a faint magnet for her feet, bringing her on, step by step, in just the way she used to walk when her days were lighter, when she herself was as light as the wind.  All the world came into place, more with every step: the one tall pine there among the sumac and scrub oaks; the bed of the creek branch, black against the green meadow.  This was her place; her very spot.

She followed on, through a grove of oaks and to the edge of the hillside where she looked out again as she had before in those days when her dreams floated in the air everywhere and all the time like the songs on the radio.  It was twilight now and the sun was below the ridge to the west, leaving ribbons of scarlet and gold above.  And a breeze came out of the west and brushed her face and hair as if to lift from her all that the years – her ten years from home – had laden her with.

In that moment she remembered all that she once desired and thought again to herself that it could all be worth it.  She would try again.


copyright 2018

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4 Responses to Waking

  1. Is this Rachel? And what’s up with these extremely early posts?

    • labeak52 says:

      I wrote this a long time ago, before I had really thought much about Rachel. I did not have her in mind when I wrote it and it did noyt occur to me that this could (might) be her, even when I reposted it last night. Not until you mentioned this did I think of it, but it might be her. There are definite similarities and possibilities there. I’m going to give it some thought. Thanks for reading and thanks for the thoughtful comment. As for the extremely early posts – I am working with a relatively new WOrdpress feature that allows you to delay postings. So last night, after SCR, I dug up a couple of old posts and set them up to be posted “extremely early” in the hopes that they would appear on the “readers” for an audience that would not necessarily see them if I posted them during my regular times. I got 38 “likes” overnight.

  2. labeak52 says:

    Thanks, again, buddy . . .

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